December 29, 2021
min read
Meet Elrond Play, The Web IDE Smart Contracts Playground
Elrond Play is a web IDE that uses templates and a GUI to help you get started with Smart Contracts on the Elrond Network public devnet.
The lightweight environment is the perfect gateway into Elrond for developers who want to see how building on Elrond is like, without setting up any kind of infrastructure or additional pieces of software.
Several smart contract templates are available to demonstrate just how easy it is to build with Elrond. You will be able to get a basic adder, or lottery contract, and even set up your own multisig smart contract.
The deployment is automatically done on the public devnet, so you can use tools such as the web wallet or explorer to interact with your creation.
Check out the video guide:
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Published on
December 29, 2021
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