Friday, February 17, 2023

Release: mx-api-service - v1.0.3

Breaking changes

Removed search parameter for everything transaction & transfer-related

Because the search parameter in transactions or transfers endpoint uses the wildcard condition, it does not benefit of elasticsearch's indexing feature, making the search very inefficient, thus allowing the resources of the ES to be easily drained... in consequence we removed the search parameter.

New Features

Show transaction prices #890

Besides value, a USD price would be very helpful to be attached to the transaction operations, so that in situations like metabonding claim rewards, a total USD value of the claimed rewards can be estimated. Therefore we:

  • removed dependency to
  • use the plugin to extract token prices, which internally fetches historical price information.
  • ESDT prices are supported only for the tokens listed on xExchange and Jungle DEX

Integrate guest caching #911

We've integrated guest caching from sdk-nestjs because it is a powerful feature that allows proactive caching of certain endpoints that are in high usage.

Account actions endpoint #892

Since the marketplace service plays a central role in aggregating auctions from various marketplaces, a logical next step is to provide this information in a unified way inside the REST API. So that's why we added support for some of the endpoints available in the marketplace service, which as used on

Config adjustments

We have started a process of gradually migrating optional values from the config inside the features element, to be able to keep the feature-related functionality together and to bring more consistency, especially with regard to explicitly activating / deactivating the feature using the enabled attribute, as well as supporting extra parameters.

Exchange service feature

Implemented in PR #971

A backwards compatible feature that moves the enabling of the flag outside the plugins section and inside the features section.


Unknown block type "codeSnippet", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option


Unknown block type "codeSnippet", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option

Auth feature

Implemented in PR #970

A backwards compatible feature that groups the authentication-related functionality together inside the features section. Added extra support for maxExpirySeconds and acceptedOrigins attributes, needed for the native auth implementation


Unknown block type "codeSnippet", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option


Unknown block type "codeSnippet", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option

Guest caching feature

Implemented in PR #911

When activated, will proactively cache the results of certain endpoints if the number of api calls exceeds a specified threshold

Unknown block type "codeSnippet", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option

Update collection extra details feature

Implemented in PR #949

When activated, will add extra attributes for collections in Elasticsearch, allowing a better sorting capability for collections by assets, holders, number of NFTs

Unknown block type "codeSnippet", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option

Marketplace feature

Implemented in PRs #892 and #968

When activated, the API will expose extra endpoints for extracting auction-related information global, for a specific address or for a specific collection

Unknown block type "codeSnippet", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option

Self url

Implemented as part of the guest caching feature but can be used by other components as well. Defines a url that points to the service itself, allowing functionality such as guest caching to perform API calls towards the service itself.
Note: if the API is authenticated, the self requests will fail. This url must point to a non-authenticated API instance

Unknown block type "codeSnippet", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option

Verifier url

Implemented in PR #945

If specified, verification information such as the source code that generated the bytecode behind a smart contract can be returned via API endpoints.

Unknown block type "codeSnippet", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option

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