The xExchange Energy Competition Winners

The energy concept has been by far the biggest change brought by MEX 2.0, opening a totally new conversation around native DEX tokens and their potential to fuel an automated and permissionless financial instrument in a sustainable way.
What's also great about it is that it unlocks a virtually endless array of potential community challenges and the Energy Competition was just the first of many more to follow.
Set in motion by four promotions, the Energy Competition prizes totaled $150,000 in EGLD and xMEX (locked for 1 year) and 150 exclusive spots for the upcoming xPortal Mastercard debit cards.
The competition ran for one month and ended on January 14. It reinvigorated the community and received an incredible response, with over 66B MEX and 1.745T LKMEX converted to xMEX.
The four promotions have been extensively covered in a previous blog post, as well as the eligibility conditions for each of them.
Let’s take a closer look at the winners and the final prize allocation.
Promotion A
2,920 eligible participants share the $75,000 prize pool, resulting in an equal prize allocation of $25.68 per user. The eligible addresses can be checked here.
The 50 winners of the 1st Wave Card Waiting List for xPortal Card, to be launched in 2023 on the xPortal App, were randomly selected; the full list can be checked here.
The random draw has been conducted via a Smart Contract on the MultiversX blockchain, which makes it transparent and publicly verifiable.
References: SC implementation, On-chain code hash, TX hash.
Promotion B
The 15 users sharing the $75,000 prize pool, as well as the 50 users sharing a guaranteed spot for the 1st Wave Card Waiting List, can be checked here.
Promotion C
The list of the top 5 users in each of the five DEX leagues, WITH ALL THEIR LKMEX v1 CONVERTED to xMEX, that share a guaranteed spot for the 1st Wave Card Waiting List, can be checked here.
Promotion D
The list of 25 users gaining the most Energy during the competition that share a guaranteed spot for 1st Wave Card Waiting List for xPortal Card, can be checked here.
Important notes:
- Participants are only eligible to win an xPortal card exclusive spot for one promotion, in this order: D, C, B, A. That’s why, for example, in Promotion B participants who have already won the xPortal card spot in the previous promotions have been excluded from winning it again. Make sure to consult results for all promotions to check for your rewards
- The first 15 winners in Promotion B are not eligible to win a spot in Promotion A
- Each winner of the xPortal card exclusive spot must perform and pass the KYC process with the card issuer (details to be communicated to the winners at a later stage) to be able to claim their debit card. Also, please note that one of the KYC requirements is to be a EEA (Economic European Area) citizen. *There will be a public announcement detailing the process and giving winners an opportunity to claim their spots. Make sure to follow our Twitter channel for the latest updates*
- Token prizes (50% in EGLD / 50% in xMEX 1Y) *will be distributed over the next few days*
- To preserve the privacy of each winning address, only the first 7 and last 5 characters are displayed
With the upcoming integration of xExchange Swaps directly into the xPortal super-app, MultiversX DeFi will be taken to the next level.
We are happy to be able to seize this opportunity and reward a handful of our most dedicated users with exclusive xPortal 1st Wave Card access.
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