Inspire ART Backend Becomes Open Source. Building Blocks for Next-Gen Internet-Scale dApps

Sitting at a crossroads between the next evolutionary stage of the internet and traditional art, NFTs bring the best of both worlds. They can capitalize on the permanent and tamper-proof nature of the blockchain, while retaining art’s creative freedom.
The disruptive potential baked into the DNA of NFTs can be harnessed to create compelling applications capable of handling current use cases and beyond. This can be accelerated by a collaborative effort between builders, creators, and the entire community.
To help push innovation forward in the MultiversX NFT space and lower the entry barrier for builders, we have open-sourced the NFT Service sitting at the core of Inspire ART.
This way, we are adding another repository of composable modules to our open source stack, laying the foundation for our community of developers to build on top of.
Starting off, with the help of the NFT service repository, builders can easily index all NFTs living on the MultiversX blockchain in their dApps, as well as the most popular marketplaces: XOXNO, FrameIt, DeadRare and ENEFTOR.
To offer enhanced flexibility for projects, we have included the ability to create NFTs and collections, access to rarity indexing, together with transaction flow formatting.
The repository is available here: https://github.com/ElrondNetwork/nft-service
Jump on board, share in the knowledge of the MultiversX community and start unleashing your creativity!
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