Thursday, March 16, 2023

Release: Polaris fixes - v1.4.14

Polaris fixes

We are thrilled to announce the Polaris fixes release for mx-chain-go, which addresses crucial aspects to improve your our protocol. With these fixes in place, we are now ready to embark on our next exciting journey - the Altair release!

Breaking changes

For this release we have two breaking changes.

Node API

There were some inconsistencies between how several endpoints returned data when the account was not found that's why we decided to return empty responses instead of errors each time an account that does not exist is passed as input.
To be more specific, endpoints under the address group received an update that makes them always return empty or 0 values, instead of errors when the requested account does not exist inside the trie.

For example: if the address erd1alice... does not exist, then <node>/address/erd1alice.../key/0a0a0a would have returned an 'account not found' before, while now it will return an empty result.

Update VM with code size fix

This refers to a bug in the smart contract code size computation that has been fixed. The bug had the potential to cause issues for nodes that had recently joined the network during a particular epoch.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Numerous bug fixes and smaller enhancements on the indexer as:

  • Save miniblocks from previous header at epoch start;
  • Bug-fix outport data provider;
  • Bug-fix gasUsed and fee transactionsFeeProcessor;
  • Releasing the latest indexer version;

Activation epoch

There is only one flag that will be enabled on epoch 970 which is scheduled to happen on March, 27th 2023 ~15:35 UTC.

  • RuntimeCodeSizeFixEnableEpoch fixes a wrong smart contract code size computation bug that, in certain conditions, could have prevented the correct operation of the nodes that just joined in the network at a certain epoch.

Mainnet config:

The full binary release notes are published here:

We'd like to invite you joining us on Discord, where you can connect with other builders and developers, stay up-to-date on all things happening behind the scenes, and receive support from the community. Furthermore, we're curious to hear your thoughts on our next release: Altair.

PS: Before launching Altair, we'll be initiating a testing campaign where each of you will have the opportunity to "steal" funds from a guarded account. Keep an eye out for more details in the coming days, as we'll be providing further information on how to participate in this challenge.

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